"... and we will be planting mangrove seedlings tomorrow morning!" Wow! we actually get to help plant a mangrove! That's what everybody thought as we walked back towards our rooms, ready for a good night's sleep. Maybe some people ignored the mud soaked people-from-other-groups, but I didn't. I could hardly believe my eyes! the people walking back looked like a swamp monster out of a horror movie! Of course, I thought that it wouldn't be that bad, if I just didn't move around too much, and if I maintained my balance, I would only get my legs dirty! But nature had to prove me wrong.
The next day was complete pandemonium. The people supplied us with gloves and boots, but the moment a person stepped foot into the squelching mud, they were screaming, complaining, or trying to get themselves out of the mud! I looked around, and found a small stick lying around, so I grabbed it, and dug myself out of the ground. That was at least a thousand times worse than I thought it would be! The mud is soggy and full of water. I was stuck at one place for about five minutes before i could get out. during that five minutes, I found a mud-skipper! I caught it and named it Tommy, but I let it go. Finally, I reached
a place where I got a mangrove seedling, used A thick stick to punch a hole in the ground, stuck the seedling's roots into the hole and tied the plant to a bamboo stick to support it.
The way back was much worse than when we were in the mud, the mud got in our shoes, so we had to walk back to our rooms still squelching. but wait!!! we walked forwards, not right! Mr.Sheflin got out a hose!!! YAYYYYY!!!!! we cleaned ourselves up the best we could, and walked back to our rooms to change, we were as clean as a whistle!We got changed into some decent clothes, packed all our belongings and headed to the buses, ready to go home.